Wednesday, September 12, 2012


As I watch the morning news, I am often reminded of how blessed I am.  The news used to be a place that I went to to get the morning weather report, traffic report, and to know what is going on in the world.  Too often these days, it has turned into a place where you are reminded don't eat that, don't go there, don't pick that up, and don't even think about...doing anything or you will get hurt, sick or die.  How depressing it can be.

But I am reminded of the better things and for that I start to smile. 
  • God - without my belief in Him, there is no way I could make it.  If you believe in a higher power, find peace in knowing you can draw strength to make each day a better day for yourself and others.
  • Health - Yes, I am starting to get aches and pains in my 30-something body, but I am thankful for my health.  I am not sick and I'm free of disease.  I am embracing learning and striving to live a healthier lifestyle in all ways.
  • Family and Friends - I am thankful for those people who are in my life.  I do whatever I can for them and hopefully they would return the favor if needed.  But if not, my life is enriched for being a part of theirs.
  • Others - I am reminded that God wants us to love our neighbors and others.  Sometimes this is not a easy feat.  The driver who cuts you off on the road, the person in a hurry in the store who bumps you are knocks you down and doesn't acknowledge what they goes on and on.  It's your reaction that determines truly who you are. 
This was just a few of things that I thought about this morning.  What are the things that make you smile?

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