Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hostess of the Month Club - Thirty-One Gifts

Hello everyone!  It has been such a long time since I much has happened!  I got transferred to a new position at work and after being in our corporate office for 9 years, I am not working at an on site client site.  It's a change but I have grown to love being there and meeting so many great people!  I plan to share more about that later.

As I posted in April, I am an independent consultant with Thirty-One Gifts.  I had only found out about the company a few weeks before I signed up.  I am now in love with the products and carry them everywhere. 

Do you love Thirty-One as much as I do?  Here is an opportunity for you to get great hostess rewards without having to have a party in your home.  I am looking for 6 ladies or men (at least) to join my Hostess/Host of the Month 6-Pack.  You will have to commit to spending at least $35 each month on Thirty-One products.  The 6-Pack will start when we have 6 people.  Each month, one person will get the "host" the party that month using the orders placed by the other 5 members in the pack.  You can get more rewards the month you host by collecting outside orders from family and friends.  What an easy way to get free and 1/2 priced products.

Why spend $35 a month?
By spending $35 a month (before shipping and tax), this will open up the Monthly Customer Specials to all members of this group. We all love the monthly specials and this is a great way to make sure we get them! It also guarantees that each monthly hostess has a party volume of $210. Maybe even more!
Can anyone join? – SURE! As long as you live in the USA you are able to join. Products will be shipped directly to you.  The sales tax will be calculated from where you live.
How will you decide who will host which month?
To be the most fair, months will be assigned by alphabetical order. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or list your questions in the comments below so that everyone will see the answer.  Will you be in the 6-pack?

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